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Club News

Newer Player MP Update

The second Monday of our 0-49 point game offering only drew two attendees, so we have decided that this game will no longer happen.  For anyone with fewer than 20 MPs, you will have a chance once a month to attend a Newcomer Game as part of our Supervised Play offering. The last Wednesday of each month will be a REAL game where you can earn masters point and discover the thrill of competitive duplicate bridge.  


2024 Unit 549 Ace of Clubs Results

Each year ACBL releases the top face to face Club Master Point winners.  The Ace of Clubs competition was created in 1984. This award was renamed in 2011 in honor of Grand Life Master Helen Shanbrom of Tamarac FL. Shanbrom was one of the most active players in the ACBL for decades and won the top category of the Ace of Clubs more times than any other member in ACBL history. Only Black Points earned face-to-face at Club sanctioned events (excluding NAP/GNT qualifiers and STaCs) are counted.  Click HERE to see if your name is on the list!



Congratulations to those achieving ACBL master status:

Junior Master - Mary Kay Boutilier, Stephen Capon, Weihua Chang, Don Lochhead, John Rosicky, Susan Rowe, and Harris Simon.

Club Master - Donna Ballew, David Fisher, William McGurk, Harris Simon (hes just racking up those points!)

Sectional Master - Jere Lyster

Life Master - Steven Anthony


If you see that a BCNC Club Game score has been entered incorrectly on ACBL Live, you may fill out the form above and submit. Please take the time to find out all of the pair information required prior to submission. Requests must be made within two business days of the game.

Upcoming Events

MONDAYS - Weekly Chalk Talks at 8:45 AM
Local Charity Game
3/5 Club Championship
3/8 Local Charity Game
3/12 Local Charity Game
3/15 Club Championship
3/17 Club Championship
3/21 Local Charity Game
3/22 Unit 549 Championship*
3/24 NABC Fundraiser
3/26 NABC Fundraiser
3/28 NABC Fundraiser
         Robert Todd Seminar* - Click here for flyer
NABC Fundraiser
         Robert Todd Seminar* - Click here for flyer
4/2  Club Championship
4/4  Club Championship
4/7  ACBL Charity Game
4/9  ACBL Charity Game
4/11  ACBL Charity Game
4/12  ACBL Charity Game
4/14 - 4/20 SD REGIONAL
4/21  Local Charity Game
4/23  Local Charity Game
4/25  Local Charity Game
4/26  Unit 549 Championship Game at BCNC*
4/28  Club Championship Game

indicates Unit 549 event
Unit Games start at 12:30 PM, preceded by an 11:45 AM lunch.  There are Open and Non-Life Master Sections.

Our Games

0-499 Game

Open to players with less than 500 ACBL Master Points.  Meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9 AM.  No reservation is required. 

Open Game

Open to all players four days a week: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 12:30 PM.  No reservation is required.  You do need a partner.  Use the Contact Us button below for help with finding a partner more than 24 hours in advance.

Fun Play

Casual Play meets Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. Bring a partner for a fun non-sanctioned game.  RSVP is required. Please use the contact form below and type Casual Play in the subject line.

Social Play meets Thursdays at 12:30 PM.  No RSVP or partner is required.

Mentored Play

Supervised Play meets Wednesday mornings at 9 AM for intermediate or experienced social players.  An RSVP is required.  Use the Contact Us button below to request your name on the weekly email list. The last Wednesday of each month is a Newcomer Game for 0-20 MP players.


Visit our Game Schedule and Learning pages for more information.  RSVP for Casual Play and Supervised by using the Contact Us form below.


No individual can win a game by himself - Pele

BCNC is extending it's wildly successful  "Guaranteed Partnership Program" for the 0-499 Games.  You must arrive no later than 8:45 AM to participate. 

The volunteers serving as Guaranteed Partners are NOT looking for a permanent partner themselves.  If you are in search of a regular partner, we recommend to keep playing and let your wonderful table etiquette and skilled card play do the talking.  Many thanks to Susan Ahlquist and John Mullin for organizing this program. 


Open Game Partnership Requests can still be made by filling out the Contact Us Form below and putting Open Game Partner Request in the subject line.  Please include your name and contact information in the body of the text and someone will be in touch with you.  These requests must be made more than 24 hours in advance.

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Come Visit Us

Located on the second floor of the San Diego Oasis Building

17170 Bernardo Center Drive

San Diego, CA 92128

(760) 807-9396


Driving Directions
Take Interstate 15 to Rancho Bernardo Road
Exit Rancho Bernardo Road and go East 0.1 miles
At Bernardo Center Dr. turn Left and go North 0.1 miles
At Park Terrace turn left
Drive past Kaiser and park (first floor entrance)
Turn right at Kaiser and park (second floor entrance) 

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